This short bitesize session will give you the skills needed to identify problems at their roots and provides the key tools and techniques needed to go about solving the problem before it escalates. Don’t put a bandage on a problem; fix the issue permanently. The root cause is the fundamental, underlying reason for a problem. This course allows you to identify the cause of a problem, solve it, and prevent it from occurring again.
Looking deeper to figure out what's causing the problem can help learners to fix the underlying systems and processes.
The purpose of the session is to give you a basic understanding of root cause analysis in the context of lean.
- Understanding the strategies for fact gathering
- Tools & techniques for problem identification
- Writing problem specifications
- Poka-Yoke - Mistake Proofing
- Brainstorming Techniques
- 5 Why's techniques
- Gemba Gembutsu
- A3 problem solving techniques
Please Note: Each delegate will receive the full recording of the virtual session along with the course materials.