The course is very interactive and practical. We can facilitate customised role-plays and exercises that simulate real-life scenarios that are relevant to your team.
- Your role in representing your company
- Defining your responsibilities to your clients
- The customer relationship - building rapport/be enthusiastic/continued engagement/offering advice
- The importance of up-selling within your role
- How can we go the extra mile?
- Knowing your products - what products or services you have to offer and how to present them in an attractive way to the client
- What sets us apart from our competition?
- Demonstrating Features & Benefits
- Building rapport with your customers
- Self-assessment of your own up-selling skills - "Am I maximising my opportunities?"
- The Do's & Don't's of up-selling
- How to up-sell at each stage of the meeting
- Up-selling techniques & tips
- Understanding buying signals
Trusted awarded & accredited. Safeguard your training investment with DCM Learning.