Understanding the Lean Six Sigma Belt levels can be confusing. Once you fully understand the levels of Lean Six Sigma, earning certification and progressing up the levels can be difficult, but rewarding. The Lean Six Sigma methodology provides the use of a coloured belt tier system for its certification. To receive Lean Six Sigma Certification, you must follow a hierarchical process.
The Lean Six Sigma Belts and Certification Levels:
The Lean Six Sigma system has several levels of belts, similar to what people would attain when training in Karate. The colours for Lean Six Sigma are Green, Yellow, Black and Master Black Belt. The belt colour someone holds will help to determine what role they will have in a given project, and how they will be spending their time.
Lean Six Sigma White Belt
We’ll first begin by explaining the White Belt. This is the first level of the Lean Six Sigma Certification process. You start at the ground level by solving problems at a local level.
White Belts will connect with higher-tier individuals such as those professionals with a Green or Black belt to solve each problem. The goal of a White Belt is to understand the fundamental concepts of Lean Six Sigma.
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Yellow Belt for Lean Six Sigma is where you get into the specifics of how Lean Six Sigma works, what it is, how the disciplines can be applied to the workplace, and where best to concentrate your time as you learn the process.
A Yellow Belt professional is well versed in the basics of Lean Six Sigma, which includes all aspects of the phases of D-M-C. Thus we recommend that students enter a class to receive the guidance necessary. Yellow Belt Lean Six Sigma is where the fun is just getting started to eliminate defects from within enterprise systems.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
A Lean Six Sigma Green Belt supports a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt by analysing and solving quality problems and is involved in quality-improvement projects.
Green Belts also assist in reviewing data and suggestions sent by lower-tiered belts. There are times Green Belts will have enough experience to lead and manage a project of their own. It all depends on their experience level in a particular field. Green Belts are known as the workhorses of a business.
Those with a Green Belt will be able to apply learned tools such as define, measure, analyze, improve and control to everyday work problems. They will also be able to assist Black Belts in Lean Six Sigma teams and team projects to provide measurable improvement to the enterprise.
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt understands Lean Six Sigma philosophies and principles, including the supporting systems and tools. This person demonstrates team leadership and understands all aspects of the DMAIC model, in accordance with Lean Six Sigma principles.
Black Belts are known as agents of change within an organisation. They have a deep understanding of team dynamics and handle assigning roles and responsibilities to team members. Most often these team members are Green Belts. It is the goal of a Black Belt to improve overall quality and profitability. On average, Black Belts save companies approximately €200,000 per project.
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt
Master Black Belts are experts responsible for the strategic deployment of Six Sigma within an organization. They promote and support improvement activities in all business areas of their organization as well as at suppliers and customers.
Their main responsibilities include:
- Providing mentoring and support to Black Belts, Green Belts and Lean Six Sigma teams to use the improvement tools appropriate to a specific problem.
- Helping to develop and deploy organizational metrics and dashboards.
- Developing, maintaining and revising the Lean Six Sigma curriculum, delivering classroom training, and serving as liaison with external agencies in the delivery of Lean Six Sigma training.
- Networking with other Master Black Belts.
Leadership Level
Lean Six Sigma Champion
The Champions translate the company’s vision, mission, goals and metrics to create an organisational deployment plan and identify individual projects. Identify resources and remove roadblocks.
Lean Six Sigma Executive
An executive's role is very important in a project undertaken in an organisation to ensure it is directly linked to the strategic direction of the company. Executive teams provide guidance and approval to ensure the project's purpose is on track.
- What are the different Lean Six Sigma belt levels?
Lean Six Sigma has several belt levels: White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. Each level represents a different degree of expertise and responsibility in Lean Six Sigma methodologies.
- Why is Lean Six Sigma important for businesses?
Lean Six Sigma helps businesses improve quality, efficiency, and profitability by identifying and eliminating defects and variations in processes, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced costs.
- How does one progress through Lean Six Sigma certification levels?
Progressing through Lean Six Sigma certification levels involves gaining experience, undergoing training, and passing certification exams for each belt level, starting from White Belt up to Master Black Belt.